How To Get A Silenced Gun In Dying Light?
First of all you should reach survivor level 12 and then required things are:
- You should go to sector 0.
- Find reinforcement enemies at different locations and kill them they will give you requisition pack.You need 5 of them.
- Go to bolter feeding grounds and kill a bolter and take bolter tissue you need 1 of them.
- Find or buy tin can you need 3 of them.
- Find or buy duct tape you need 4 of them
- Find or buy chemicals you need 1 of them
With this gun you can be stealth and deadly hunter you dont need to worry about noise but this silenced gun needs a special ammo. you have to get the subsonic ammo. Best chance for getting subsonic ammo is police vans. If you open police vans maybe it will give you subsonic ammo but you can get the blueprint if you complete a bounty. This bountys name is Subterfuge and its hard cause camouflage is forbidden in this bounty. If you want to get subsonic ammo blue print you need to hide down from volatiles and night walkers they keep watching the area regularly and if one of them sees you the mission will be failed and you will have to start again if you take all of the after disaster relief packages mission will be completed and you will get the subsonic ammo blueprint.
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